I am a mother of an adult son who suffers from Diabetic Macular Oedema. Due to his diabetic complications, my son was slowly losing his gift of sight. I felt devastated as a mother. Dr. Jonathan A. Feistmann, a God sent, was a referral from another doctor who my son originally saw for his cataract removal in both eyes. That doctor told my son he could not have his cataracts surgically removed because his eyes were in such poor health.
When my son and I went to see Dr. Feistmann for the first time, my son had to be tested to establish where he stood with his established Diabetic Macular Oedema. I sat in on his 1st testing and was taken aback when one of the technicians held 4 fingers in front of him and asked him how many fingers was, she is holding up. My son questioned, “you’re holding fingers in front of me”? He could not see them! My son also had difficulty reading the large size letters shown on the screen. I did not know the severity of my son’s eyesight until that day. I was truly afraid for him.
And if I was afraid, my son was twice as afraid. When we sat down with Dr. Feistmann, he educated my son and myself about what was Diabetic Macular Oedema. He also explained that in order to have the chance to save his eyesight he would need intensive eye injection therapy in both eyes. My son could not fathom ever allowing any doctor to inject anything into his eyes. My son said he would think about it, but time was of the essence.
Dr. Feistmann did not give up. He was always available for questions, education and encouragement to help my son realize the importance of starting the therapy which he so desperately needed. To my great relief, my son finally conceded to the intensive eye injection therapy. It was all due to Dr. Feistmann’s patience and open line of communication. I watched my son developed courage and trust in Dr. Feistmann and his ability to help him.
We are now at a year milestone since my son and Dr. Feistmann have traveled the good road to healthier eyes. It’s still an ongoing process but I can say with all honesty and gratitude that if it were not for Dr. Feistmann’s dedication and care, my son would not have been able to receive his first cataract removal surgery. He is now preparing to have his second cataract removal.
My son’s eyes are much healthier since that first day we walked into Dr Fieistmann’s office. I give all the kudos and accolades to him. As a mother watching my son’s eyesight improve and have a better quality of life it has given me a deep respect for Dr. Feistmann and his ability as a knowledgeable doctor. I will be forever grateful but most of all I know my son feels the same way too. Dr. Feistmann comes highly recommended. He is extraordinary in his chosen profession.